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・フジテレビ「笑っていいとも!」 (イラストレーターとして)

・BSジャパン「未来図鑑」(共演:つんく♂ 他)

・テレビ東京系列「家族になろう(よ)」 (出演:岡村隆史、椿鬼奴 他)
・NHK・FMリサイタル、 サタデー・ホットリクエスト

・新聞: 朝日、読売、毎日、日経、東京、中日、静岡、他
・雑誌: クロワッサン・25ans・Grazia・婦人画報・DODA・ソトコト・音楽の友 他

Music creator - composer, producer, pianist and art director. Based in Tokyo, Japan. Graduated from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies and joined McCann-Erickson Tokyo as an account executive. Having studied classical piano in childhood for two-and-a-half years, returned to it through self-study after a long blank while working in the company. Won several classical piano competitions and became a top amateur.

Retired due to health problems after 12 years and concentrated on music and graphic design.  Won First Prize at Amateur Piano Competition in Paris in 2000 and was scouted as a professional pianist.

Now a seasoned classical performer, he has since branched out as well into music composition and arrangement for singers, commercials and stages, creating music based on classical themes in various genres covering POP, R&B, funk, jazz, and EDM. He is also active as an art director in marketing industry including advertising planning, graphic design and video production.

MASATO music creator

bio | Masato Tani - composer, producer, pianist & creator 谷真人 作曲家、プロデューサー、ピアニスト&クリエイター

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